Our players take you through an important moment in their careers that helped shape them into the athletes they are today.

Every Moment Counts: Gwen Svekis

Every Moment Counts: AJ Andrews

Every Moment Counts: Randi Hennigan

Every Moment Counts: Kelly Barnhill

Every Moment Counts: Abby Ramirez

Every Moment Counts: Cat Osterman

Every Moment Counts: Sam Fischer

Every Moment Counts: Jessi Warren

Every Moment Counts: Haylie McCleney

Every Moment Counts: Aubree Munro

Every Moment Counts: Jordan Larson

Every Moment Counts: Kamalani Dung

Every Moment Counts: Sashel Palacios

Every Moment Counts: Sam Show

Every Moment Counts: Nia Grant

Every Moment Counts: Aury Cruz

Every Moment Counts: Leah Edmond

Every Moment Counts: Deja McClendon