Ali Feller: Send the email
Ali Feller is the host of the Ali on the Run Show, the country’s top-ranked podcast for runners. Across more than 500 episodes, Feller has interviewed runners of all sorts, from everyday people doing to the fastest runners in the world.
Her podcast began as a blog over 10 years ago that sparked from her personal love of running and wanting a platform to discuss her training and like-minded make friends. As her running evolved to completing six marathons, a dozen or so half marathons, and many shorter races so did “Ali on the Run” into a podcast with more than 13 million downloads.
In addition to her podcast, Feller is a race announcer, mom, freelance writer and editor. She is also a race announcer for New York Road Runners, the TCS New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon, and Millennium Running.
Feller’s talk focused on being authentically you, letting your passion drive your purpose, creating your own opportunities, and sending the email that just might change your life.